Plant Spirit Medicine. “Contracts” and toxic skin reactions.

Plant Spirit Medicine or a Plant Journey is any experience where there is a connection and a meaningful exchange that takes place in non ordinary reality. The giving can take the form of healing, knowledge, spiritual growth, or acquiring a teacher/guide. These “journeys” can be facilitated, planned, structured or take place in a group. TheContinue reading “Plant Spirit Medicine. “Contracts” and toxic skin reactions.”

House Cleansing and Blessing Solution (Angelica)

The weather is starting to change and in the evenings I often feel chilled. I still have a few fresh herbs in the garden. This self care practice is perfect for moving stagnant energy, purifying living spaces and clearing the energy of the “old year”. In many cultures washing floors is more than removing dirt.Continue reading “House Cleansing and Blessing Solution (Angelica)”